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Percy Jackson and Ancient Myths Tour at the Capitoline Museums with Alessandra

Join your expert, kid-friendly guide, Alessandra on a 2.5-hour adventure around the wonderful Capitoline Museum. Here your journey into the world of Percy Jackson will begin as you uncover the ancient myths and learn more about the fascinating Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. Are you ready?

Alessandra will introduce you to Percy Jackson and his friends as you walk around the museum. You’ll have fun and learn more by taking part in games and activities prepared by your guide, which will include a scavenger hunt.

As you walk around, keep your eyes open for the marvellous statues of Hercules, Love and Psyche, Satyrs, Centaurs and others. Listen to the legend behind the twin brothers, Romulus and Remo and find out who discovered the city of Rome. Learn about the Lupa Capitolina, better known as the she-wolf and hear the connection between the statue and the brothers.

Expect an eventful time with Alessandra where you can have a true Percy Jackson experience!