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Illuminated Tour of Rome for Kids and Families with Gelato and Pizza

Rome in the evening has an altogether different atmosphere than during the day. After the day-trippers have left the city and the natives have returned home after a hard day at work, Rome becomes quieter, less chaotic, there is less traffic on the road and the vibe is more relaxed and laid-back.

This 2.5 hour tour includes many of Rome's most famous landmarks, including Piazza Navona, the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Venezia and many more besides. Our expert, kid-friendly guide will make sure the tour is both enjoyable and educational, meaning your children will have fun while learning about the history of the eternal city.

There will be treasure hunts, photo competitions, quizzes and other actvities to keep children entertained as they enjoy seeing the sights with their families.

You will also have the opportunity to sample traditional Italian pizza and genuine Italian ice cream (or “gelato”, as the Italians call it), culinary specialities which are sure to delight the whole family.

Rome is especially attractive on balmy summer evenings. Although you may have seen some of the city's most famous sights during the day, they take on a completely different appearance in the softer light of dusk, and after sunset you can enjoy the evocative illuminated monuments as Rome by night assumes a more romantic and elegant feel.